Runs up to around 600-700c at pressure 240+. Takes about 20 minutes to get to high temperature, high pressure. Turning Auto and Aqua off after about 20 minutes should do huge damage to the reactor.
after a white the pressure keeps being released because at least one sensor is triggered
you need to make a logo so i can add you to this save 1050976
@baizuo Did the reactor vaporize all water? I've tested it a good number of times and I never loose all DSTW unless I have Aqua or Auto disabled. I'll see if I can fit another simple cooling system.
-_- Wow, this is really cool!
IT'S AWESOME!! But you should create some backup cooling system, after HEAT the core, the temperature grows too fast that just release pressure is not enough, few minutes later, the core melt
This one is pretty awesome!!!
run it to about 500c then SPRK the AUTO button untill it's red. It'll runaway within a few minutes and destroy much of the reactor. The button disables the balancing mechanism and the reactor cooling water will all vaporize making it useless for cooling and pressure generation.
this is cool, but it needs a meltdown button
Wow, how many reactors are you up to now? Seven? And all of them are incredible. Great Job.