the lighter of fury!
f**k u SmiteZero. u try making pixel art and have the pixels line perfectly. and if it makes u happy, i'll make one with actual elements. plus, u must think it's impressive, or u wouldn't be looking >:(
he keeps on teleporting in to me! DX
Thats not my point. My point is that this kid made this and this is his SECOND save! He got fp with it and now his first has goten fp to!!! I'm saying wow, he got fp SOOOOOO quickly. I'm sorry Mr.Smite that u misunderstud me.
@Kikinicij That doesn't make it more amazing. Pixel art made with walls is not particularly impressive, for anyone, except a slightly mentally retarded chimpanzee.
Really good
I never did beat him...
Yup, it's an awesome save +1
I just want everybody to know this dude made this moments ago... PLUS this is his second save in TPT. Click his name. He has 2 saves. This is way cooler when u think of it like that.
Its good but its just art.
pretty good u should try making it more visable