lol thanks by the way the comment you responed to is the 2nd last comment with XD at the end, read your save im leaving to find out why.
@tpt_finest, yeah I know about that :D I just wanted to share my new way. It's funny because it is the only system where the transmitter does not have to have anything on it, just metl. Even ARAY requires something on the transmitter.
said88}THIS IS AWESOME+1 but theres another better meahod where you put etred{plasma electronic} in a horzontal line but onely 2 pixles of it on each side and in bettwen where the plasma wolud go u draw goo in stead.that meathod is fee to use for not saying this is bad, its AWESOME but my meathod its a little bit more practical.XD
use !set x ligh 306 and !set y ligh 192. That should place all the ligh near the middle of the screen, on top of itself.
lol i just a funny argurment with some hater it was funny
hey this is random but how do you compress ligh
The point is that it's NEW