11th Mar 2013
13th Mar 2013
This explains what Gunpowder is and its origins. (If you discover a spelling error, keep it to yourself, we don't want to know).
@Science7155 Carbon is in Charcoal, Sulfur is SULFUR, and bird poop might be a type of fertilizer, which has potassium nitrate in it. Logic.
Really? My CTE teacher said that gunpowder is a mixture of carbon, sulfur, and bird poop! I know, strange...
By the way, I would add more info, but it turns out that there is only so many text boxes you can use.
@PowderTech1350: You'r just jealous that this one save has more than all of yours put together :D
make the diamond wood to be completly destroyable
impressive. the chinese used this to fire rockets, which were more like flaming arrows.
fromanotherplanet its not art and second of all tpt is not allways right but nice chemestry dude +1
Seems chinese alchimists found out an elixir of mortality instead :P +1
Another of Hewy's "supposed to be a fourm post, not a useless save, crap".