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15th Mar 2013
15th Mar 2013
you can use but give credit


  • jacksonmj
    31st Jul 2013
    This has definite similarities to save 693787 "Gorgeus house" by t--mpsu. Maybe if it was a bit more finished (with that work done by you, not copied), then claiming that you made it yourself would be a bit more accurate. In its current state, if anyone uses this save, then credit is largely due to t--mpsu, not you. Although it is kind of copied, this save isn't particularly complicated and someone may find it useful as a template for a house, so I'm not going to bother unpublishing it unless the owner of save 693787 complains.
  • persicomarc
    31st Jul 2013
    yea but other people changed the brick to how do we know u didnt steal that!
  • the-dude1997
    27th Jul 2013
    actualy i had to change alot for staters the walls were brick not wall and the top floor wasnt there
  • persicomarc
    29th Apr 2013
  • persicomarc
    25th Apr 2013
    this is copied but the inside is deleted