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28th Mar 2013
28th Mar 2013
Insane bomb! First it explodes to leave uranium and plutonium to be triggerred by other bombs and it emps to take out any existing electronic defenses then it booms vibranium to take down harder defenses then the rest gets destroyed by heat&air
bomb buster bunker invincible diamond ultra green explosion explo vielle


  • vielle
    29th Mar 2013
    its needed to keep the electrons enclosed to create endless amounts of heat and pressure to trigger the vibranium other then that its extremely powerful with those electrons inside hte diamonds.
  • jacob1
    28th Mar 2013
    I actually didn't even open it ... well until now at least for a second. It looks good, but I didn't really test it on anything so I can't tell how powerful it is. Also it's kind of strange that there's DMND, but I didn't really look closely, maybe it's needed.
  • vielle
    28th Mar 2013
    jacob what do you think about my bomb? its a new concept and im happy to make it hopefully noone else came up with this before me
  • vielle
    28th Mar 2013
    ok i occasionally refresh everything multiple times so that may indeed be the case cause i always check stuff including other forums and other places but that needs to be seriously fixed
  • jacob1
    28th Mar 2013
    Did you post those from a browser and refresh the page? I've heard someone say that in that case, it asks to resend the information, and if you hit yes it will post things twice. Just comment from inside tpt, or don't refresh and resend information, which isn't always what you want. Also, deleted the extas.
  • vielle
    28th Mar 2013
    what is with these postings! i didnt post that i posted once!
  • vielle
    28th Mar 2013
    This bomb got through greymatter's TPT strongest bunker v4 i gurantee this super bomb will penetrate through anything breakable!