why does this show up when you search, "stolen-and-not-made-by-you"?
you dont have to give credit from using the same idea
It is and the website conwaylife.com/wiki/Main_page!
No, I only read LifeWiki. You also can do it!
BokkaB: are you conway or somethin?
I hope that you have learned something new, ,,TheScienceKid",and have a good day!
Hey ,,TheScienceKid",this does not work as you think.Maybe you do not know, they have rules.For example,GOL rules are:any cell with 2 or 3 neighbours lives to the next generation,in other cases do not,and come to life if came 3 neighbours.Other rules are the same, expect that the numbers are diferent(any from 0 to 8).Also,some rules like BRAN has an extra number on the end.This number means that cells may remain on the screen for this number of generations before disappearing.