14 / 0
10th May 2013
16th Dec 2019
This is my first (Proper) save that I will be spending a lot of time on. It is going to be a whole base complex that is built on stilts with part of it underground.... You may copy BUT give credit to me, Xephrosee
base stilts research facility


  • xephrosee
    30th May 2015
    Haha thanks gbasilva, just had some free time recently so adding stuff to it! Still going strong paha
  • Korteweg
    29th May 2015
    Detail is everything... This is great. Old save, and you're still improving it... Great job.
  • xephrosee
    29th May 2015
    Xxfrontier thanks! I just added the lift to it, some controls and an emergency ladder just in case!
  • Xxfrontier
    24th May 2015
    very good maybe add a working elavator?
  • xephrosee
    2nd Sep 2014
    jesseneil, done, couldn't think of how to add a fake nuke though to it, already got the reactor with the compressed DEUT underneath it which bassically acts like a nuke
  • jesseneil
    19th Oct 2013
    add a food supply of plnt and a fake nuke lol
  • xephrosee
    29th May 2013
    @worldten Thanks! Helps to know that the save is alright. Suggestions to add would be really helpful because I've kinda run out of ideas to add to it. :')
  • worldten
    11th May 2013
    nice work +1