i'm bored about noobs that put a lot of NITR or C4 to fill the screen with fire... REALIZE THAT THESE BOMBS ARE USELESS. WITH 1 FREAKING PIXEL I CAN MAKE A FUSION BOMB LIKE EVERY "EXPERIENCED" USERS. so please, can someone make an lua tutorial...
this bomb is useless without the sing.
this nuke can't destroy a simple layer of QRTZ. NITR,TNT,C4,and others "basics" explosives aren't very effective, even in mass. you should put DEUT in a TTAN circle, then tip "!set life DEUT 10000". Then, pause the game, place 1 pixel of NEUT inside the DEUT and unpause. Hope you like it :)
very, very, very, very, very, very, very destructive