Long time man, good to see your work has come along very nicely. :) +1
thanks tibbtof you will be recognized shortly :D
Okay, it is done! id:521558
Nevermind, adding the Camo now, shortened the RIS Rail and stock, changed it to a Magpul MOE Stock, added Emags, an EO Tech 552 and 3 x Magnifier
I have done a couple of attachments for you to work on the art (as it is better than mine :) ) but I might make it No Easy Day style HK416, so could you make the colours for AOR-1 camo, all I need is the colours. Thanks!
Okay, working on it now, might start working alongside people now, might go all out, give it a Magpul MOE stock, 10 inch suppressor?
ya haha k ED WAR 3 IS ON!
haha ya why not id love to asmith! would u like to be my co-partner along with Bree?