More compact. Similar programming. Better bomb. Still FREE TO COPY. State 7 = system crash. Comment if you want instructions. Current Program: the 3 state, 2 word busy beaver!
or rather, it COULD compute any alogrithm, A; if everyone could write in the correct format, and B; if the bloomin' window was bigger! (to allow for more complex alogrithms.) and C; if there was room for a better display. +1 for recreating the one of the greatest inventions in computing ever! (not including the difference engine and the transistor switch)
If only I had a doctorate in Computer Science... @-Tra-Ranger This is THE computer. It is set-complete, meaning it can compute any algorithm. It was invented by Alan Turing, who revolutionized computing.
OHMIGOD It's a Turing Machine! I would make a primality checker, but I have no idea how to!
ok so wait. what is the point of this?
okey ....
just follow the link on each subsequent page: 'other free stuff / TPT TM / Program Examples' or something like that
okey ..
in the classical example, the turing machine tape moves rather than the read/write head. (or in this case, the switch cursor).
oh, go to my home page then to turing machine 1. you could convert some code to the new grid format.
yes google but you said it has a small library of algorithms ...