So, I just made a Full Adder, pretty simple, took me some minutes (two minutes, eh, so hard, not?), but, it's pretty big, and there are different timing for the outputs, can u make it smaller and probably fix the timing issue? :D
its ready :D here is the id :1236025 maybe give an credit but you dont have to ;) and keep me updated im very interrestet in electronic projects :D
bassfreak hmm idk, if u can show me something working
darian what kind of community is it?
i can make it smaler, but the question is if you want exactly this design or something with nscn/pscn...
nushinez want to join my community?
i dont think you CAN make it smaller..unless someone in powdertoy is extremely good at minumizing size of electronics.
Could someone please help me? '-'