Changes Salt into Water 100% of the time, by allowing Saltwater to transform Salt into Saltwater, boiling the resulting saltwater to get steam and salt, and returning the salt back to the saltwater (ensuring all salt becomes water.)
>:O!!! HOWHOWHOWHOW!!!!!!!
I dont understand how this works
@qwerty if its just displacin the sltw where is the clne making the sltw? Also try a simple experiment of placing salt in a container of sltw and wait.
wtf is going on!! >:O
All I see is DSTW
exactly. This works perfect. Nice one Catelite ;)
>.> Then where does all of the salt disappear to?
this only turns existing saltwater into water. The salt only is used for displacement. Is not a real 'converter'.
ahhh if only it wer 100% destroyable *hugs Catelite* good work.
Samrrr: Good factory :o Yours has about 3000 particles than mine does though. :P Much faster, more specific, and more chances for neighbor interactions that transform salt into water. But you can just use wall tiles for the edges, you're using brick particles o.o Walls are less laggy.