Changes Salt into Water 100% of the time, by allowing Saltwater to transform Salt into Saltwater, boiling the resulting saltwater to get steam and salt, and returning the salt back to the saltwater (ensuring all salt becomes water.)
been done before and it looked better
my factory fasted and no use wifi portals and walls
im looking at this and noticing. you are essentially adding salt to salt water then boiling it
salt looks like milk XD
Catelite:please add my salt factory id:1259396
Catelite, it's less converter, more sorter. :P
someones racist here...WHO IS IT (THE TAGS)!!!???
looking at google images and trying to replicate the image onto powder inst agaisnt the rules right? just no wacko programs that transport the pic onto powder so that you dont have to do anything right?
and my comment below is not to start an agrument
and i get banned for expressing how i feel about a save..........