12th Aug 2013
19th Aug 2013
Easy Simple Fire Pulser.. ESFP!
fair enough
i know....but im sick and tired of him....
@Schneumer it isn't actually worth fp, although Danieliscool is completely wrong. @Danieliscool in case you didn't notice this is not built to be a weapon, its just a fire effect.
and 12321 you either never made that id or deleted it (im going for two) 0_0
just shut up danieliscool AKA mr.cocky pants you're so full of yourself im sick of it...and you advertise too so thats a plus..... -_- and nobody cares about a record you can't prove either
i think its pretty good altered
oh wait nvm cut me off
no people liked the save i told everyone not to anything
if you want to see real weapons look at my flagship its the largest in tpt! try again next time jacobum...
dude if your going to do somthing like this do it with an element that it has not allready ben used so -1