can someone tell me how to post a link to another creation through a sign?
And I will make a smaller version as well
ooh ookay i see that now. i remember putting diamond near one of the clones so i could control the electrons. (sorry i submitted the comment below before you replied.)
Thanks tothemyers! and as for KuruKuruGuy, i have no idea. i tried putting every single element i used in this bomb in a huge box and just let it go crazy yet still no diamond formed.
Diamond isn't "formed", if you look at the bottom array of PBCN, you can see that some of it is set to clone diamond. When it blows up, the pbcn scatters, cloning diamond everywhere.
I must admit, I was confused by it at first. I thought, "OK, this is VERY clearly NOT a hydrogen bomb, it's a deuterium bomb..." Then the spark activated the pbcn, creating electrons and neutrons, creating a crapload of hydrogen... "OH! IT IS A HYDROGEN BOMB!" Nice bomb, but the size makes it impractical for use as a bomb of city destruction. Even so, I upvoted.