i need help testing the strength of this unfinished bunker and i need help with some ideas on how to make it stronger
please dont vote down just because you destroy it. if you destroy it please be a nice person and give some tips or ideas on how i can fix the problems that allowed you to destroy it. thank you :)
oh,i thought they where there to be filled in later.i will change that later on.
the only problem i find with TUNG is that is WAY!!! to brittle.
(to 12rl) the only problem i have with your updated bunker is that you filled in all the areas except the bottom of the bunker. those are supposed to be hatchways. but other then that pretty good
its called super bunker improved.it is still not finished,and i am adding alloys soon.
thank you for all you comments and ideas:) you are all free to try to upgrade or make your own varients. just make sure to give me some credit :) thanks. and 12rl what is you upgraded level called?
(for @runemaster and @slenderhunter) i think the best choice is Tungsten, surrounded by insl, surrounded by ttan, surrounded by insl, surrounded by quartz (everything fine?)
here is the id:1328534
billy-salter:i have made the upgraded version.it is not complete,and i will add some aloys soon,but it is a start.
runemaster, tungsten smashes very easily, so my favourite material is Quartz, which balances good properties