My best creation BY FAR, using loads of stuff I never made before.. You can turn off the engine, it has throttle, runs on DESL (pressure to ignite), mostly destructible... *TURN WATER EQUALISATION ON AND DECO TOO*
so make a fuel induction system
Now I need to finish the deco and stuff, then to make the electrics for the lights, the engine, throttle and stuff, so yeah, it's not gonna be up very soon..
Sorry dude, it's in the making... I built the engine (out of filt, it doesn't break like brck and it's unconductive) also it won't have a supercharger, there isn't enough room to put it inside the car chasis without it looking ugly and out of proportion. Also, it's made of titanium and I am using deco to give it a real life color (kinda sorta real life, not photorealistic at all), and yeah. I hope that the engine will be able to spurt fire out of the exhaust like the original did, but I doubt it sadly...
super charger
oh give me his id please
The water equalisation sign is needed because it does not work if water e. is not turned on. Also - too much work, I started a new project, an audi S1 (inline 5, rally car group b) with a turbo and maaybe (not likely) a supercharger too, that should scratch your itch, also it's gonna be hard to make because I want it to look like the real thing and without cgi that is very hard, and I just started making the engine. What have I done......
oh and remove that stupt water blabla sign
can i give you an idea:1 remove pistons2 add oil not desl3make a pipe to transfer fuel lines4last give a turbo look it will be good
that is nice. i really like it. any engine that has a fuel tank and fuel lines that do not have prtl in them, are very hard to use. if ever you need and engine for one of your vehicles i can help. +1