This is an example of how I use filter and diamond to confine and direct PROTONS. I have used this tech to make two saves. A "PROTON BEAM" save and a "PLANET MAKER" save. Both saves use high temp staight PROT beams. Check my home page link to find them.
You know what I'm thinking? More compact computers. (Can't wait to see what some people come up with!)
G-LinuxorU... There is a way to change the PROT into photons, too.
oh thats really cool. i never thought to use protons like photons.
Thank you.
I like it
I added a PROTON container to show how long the PROT can be stored.
I blacked out some of the partical guide to show how the PROTons move and change direction. I also added a square of crossing PROT beams to show how long lived they are in this substrate and how the beams can cross without interacting. More to come.
Or an ant farm.
Looks like a car race.