This has an eight man crew, nuclear propulsion, and updated plasma beam and has a DEST resistant armour. Please comment.
mine just exploded immediately the second i unpaused
Yes, i would like to join your alliance. ;p
comment Delete hah
Remember, Dest weapon and bombs are only a fun substitute for the erase button. Thank you.
I only advertise on ships that are mine
Liberator CLass ID:1363351
I found a problem! It should say "Let me know if there *are* any problem*s*."
I blew it up, and it exploded into a lot of DEUT and NEUT elements as well as unleashing a point of 200+ pressure.
I love seeing a ship here with real nuclear engines (instead of just pockets of dueterium or EXOT just lying around) that actually use its nuclear fuel. You have my upvote, good sir!