This is my second upload featuring a DIP-style Integrated Circuit. This one has 16 bits of memory. Use: To set a bit to "1", spark the corresponding PSCN. To set a bit to "0", spark the corresponding NSCN. To read the chip's memory, spark the top INWR.
I realized that this is more of an old TTL chip than anything; it's small, but slow. CMOS would be fast, and in the Powder Toy, large.
Actually i probably won't use your memory card as many of my projects have either been cancelled, or are going to use different technology (i finally am fiquring out how to use digital systems)
Personally I would use INST instead of INWR, with PSCN and NSCN in it to let it work. It would be at the same time.
ok, it will be a while though, thanks to your memory card the memory banks are going to be easy. but i need to design a new multiplication processor, and a new counting unit.
tell me when you have the save up. I'd like to see it.
Okay, thanks
just give credit
you can use it.
Cool, Can i use this? i need a memory chip like this for a two didget calculator i am working on.