I hope i got it right, I hopefully just figured it out and i hope people can understand it. if i am wrong tell me. i got the idea from good ole G-linuxorU.
hmm... maybe when i properly figure out what it can do.
i think instead of describing the behavior of a LFSR you should describe how n'th digit works. n^4 is 0+1, 2, 4, 8 in binary and 1111 is simply 0+1+2+4+8=(0+15) and any combination of 1 or 0 within n^4 can equal any decimal between 0-15.
i did not plan on it getting recognised as a printer. i hoped that someone would tell me if i was right or wrong
what a pretty printer. if you want to know more there are good resources online. the cracker64-model binary counter is called a "linear feedback shift register" in real life. their beauty is to display 2^n output, where n=amount of bits, which is an exponential function. so 2^5 is twice the amount of bits in 2^4 and it does so with a binarily-sequenced output.