what iff its deformedd shape lolz
Very interesting. I like. :)
I see.. this could be pretty hard to code. but anyways, great idea. i have experienced coding (coding powder games hinge fan thingy) well anyways, I could add this. i am also the creator of the Portableapps.com website, Great game jacob, and thx for addin to my site!
eh -1 for all your unreading troll -1's :D
This is really clever! It will be tricky to code (even though I have no experience in coding) this kind of thing, it already sounds complicated, but VERY clever and will certianly be usefull.
I can see this being pretty hard to code ... PSTN is already sort of a mess with one remaining glitch. And it doesn't push FRME exactly as expected in some cases. Also i'm not sure how 45 degrees would work with tpt, but a 90 degree angle is totally possible.
I was not expecting this to get FP, I was only trying to get a lot of people to read this and think about it. But, I guess FP is a way to do that.
this is perfect for making rotating loaders in guns
Will a mod demote this if this doesn't get off with votes?