yeah its basic but im doing this all free hand not finished btw. ant suggestions for rooms and extras? now includes hanger
You can kill a bunker with a diamond shield- just use alot of pressure!!
Nice try but I still killed it.
ok iron now :P
i know it just then you get so many pep bugging you about them and how to find em.... also its just for the details its not supposed to be bomb or in your case SUPER BOMB proof
you know about the secret elements don't you? if you had iron you'd be able to build a much stronger bunker...
oh the dimond is being removed sorry
oh and don't use diamond in bunkers, it's not fair to us bomb makers! My bomb still works dispite the diamond, though. strong stuff.
search my name and copy the "SPB" then paste it in there :)
hey aust u retard.. as my best mate i will insult you but its a underground bunker complex. its not ment to resest u pausing it and heating it to 9000 C
mk fast i havnt done anything in a while but il try