The biggest and most powerfull fleet in the Crystalian Army...It is used in Galactic sieges. It hosts 2.9 Million Heavy, 5,2 Million Light frigates, 90,3 Million fighters, 3 Titans, 1 Mothership, 507 Fortresses and 607,4 Billion Crystalians...
The textures are excellent
XD, Dont lie good creation +1
Ahhh, Trifobofy...-1
I explained the shields at your Sphinx
Well, more cheap armor and big ships are easier to make than thin strong armor, I can make more ships in less time and they're porpouse is to swarm and destroy, plus they radiate high energy light beams...So that is the third layer and the shields aren't plasma shields, they're just going trough a Noble Gas cloud that is being ionized by they're pressense, it is used as an advantage, they're shields are made out of focusing light around them and burning all incoming projectiles.
Only quartz armour and plasma shields? So, get cheap armour and make it super thick, instead of having thinner, stronger armour. Hmmm, interesting idea.
Wanna make an alliance
For defence, they let electricity transform noble gas around the ships into plasma for better defence, and seeing how they're made out off quartz, they can survive this for years, (the lenght of they're longest war was 102 years and it happened 24,098 years ago).