Hardly the most compact design, but it gets the job done.
Nice work very well done +1
The 'firing button' I put on the sign is the only button on the cannon (I should probably make that more obvious). Also, the vent at the bottom is to dispose of fusion products like plutonium and uranium, as well as dispose of any stray protons that might ignite the next cycle.
But uhhh... is the explosion supposed to come out of the bottom and curve around /:( ? Which one is the firing button!
Perfect for griefing +1
Problem (mostly) solved. Thank you!
the PROT-DEUT reaction creates negative pressure. put some pump with temp set to 0 near the end of the nozzle to neutralize the pressure change.
I fixed the problem. The offending pump is now on for a much shorter time. ^_^
I realise that it sucks molten stuff back at itself. This is because of the insanely powerful gravity pump that sucks waste into the disposal channel. But thank you for your advice.
Nice! Looks like you spent a while on it, but not long enough time on testing. I fired it and it sucked molten metal back onto itself. This could be fixed by putting a 2 layers on it; one of diamond, one of frame (diamond on the outside) Anyway, +1 for effort!
Thank you for your advice.