15 / 1
24th Apr 2014
5th Mar 2018
Hardly the most compact design, but it gets the job done.
deut proton cannon electronics


  • Gmodder64
    22nd May 2014
    very good +1 maybe try to it able to fire constantly or increase the fire rate. also try using gol oscilators to heat it as you would get a slightly cooler blast but it would be more compact although your heating system is honestly awesome.
  • dagriefaa
    25th Apr 2014
    Thank you =D
  • TheNumberCrucher
    24th Apr 2014
    Love it! I know how it feels to make something epic, adn then it hardly gets any veiws whatsoever. just as long as you had fun mucking aroudn with it, its cool. +1 man, I think its awesome! :D