This is one of my project introduces some nuclear missile types that moves!
this is a nostalgia save
hey Earthquake815, billyliakos copied your motor on moving nukes on his moving boat
This has been on fp for a while
@dddp33, First, you can't sue someone for that. Second, do you just go around on peoples saves to advertise your own? I've seen you post "mine is better" on at least three things on FP.
that wasn't nice to say abour Runemaster. Hes a good guy.
@ddp33 sparking the snoww wil melt it even if the impacted matirial is lees than 0 degrees
i do not care about runeass...
It beats my REPL
also the 1px nuke doesn't need the TSNS. the snow(sing) will detonate when it is raised above 0 degrees.
my decos better too.