You're allowed to use prot,virs,vrss,and vrsg.Rule specifications:You can't use a bomb that creates sing(elemental),or anything that goes through dmnd,inst,wall 5min time limit.Please be legitimate ok?V0.1.2
While ID:2938345 uses some warp (from exot) it goes trough
Here is the link to a video I took, I'm not sure if it was up to criteria but I'll leave you to judge that.
Bomb Crossfire, this bomb obliterated your bunker all the way to the last layer
By the way, I've noticed you coment on many things about a black hole bomb. I've never seen any such thing and am very curious. Could you be so kind as to post the id? (side note: he did ban singularity and the center of a black hole is by definition a singularity where space time is warped into a cone ending in an infinitely small point.)
@northmustang, he said only 100 pix of bomb the element or dest. He had no limit on the overall size of the bomb. I do however thing that banning even instant explosive sing is rather stupid as it severely limits the options.
Not very well I'm afraid.
The issue has been resolved; Let's see how well it does against a black hole.
Wow, I hope you meant 100x100 pixel bombs. Dimwits and their 'bunkers.' "Here, I have the best bunker in TPT; It's made completely out of diamond and wall, it's over 200 pixels thick, the room in the center is the size of a dog house, and you can only use a bomb no larger than a stickman." Parents, get your stinking DIMWITTED three-year-youngs off your computers!
wait, snow with ctype of sing is not allowed too? ok..
no sing? wow