26th May 2014
27th May 2014
US Thermal Nuclear Testing Island during the cold war. Unfortunately, not all the bombs were removed from the testing facility. Let's hope the warheads don't make any contact with that GIANT body of water...or get sparked.... Btw, not my original save
this is nice
Is that distruction better?
and if you notice, the original creator's logo is in the save
this got fp? Thanks, wow. didn't expect that
@XxMini_NinjsxX mimi did not steal your creation. Do you understand English because if you do, PLEASE consider what I am saying.
at least Tezla gives credit most people dont +1 for good work
@Below and front page!
If it's not your original save, you definitely should give credit to the creator.
Nice, and FP but I was disappointed with the size of the destrustion from the Warheads. Still great. +1