A 2.38 KiloByte, 6 Bit, 8 Frames Per Output Storage Unit. It is connected to a display and holds 50 digits of PI in just 10 pixels. You can take the main storage unit, reprogram it, and use it for any computer you may want to build. Tutorial coming soon!
Sadly this is read-only data and cant be re-read or written. But for what its built to do, its amazing!
i'll use it for my printer
9 digits if u refine further
7.5 digits if u opt
It is the ACA right?
I was looking at your group not to long ago, but couldn't find the actuall forum page for it.
Wow! Are you want to join my group for working at interface for "Minirator"? More info see on my group Aperture Science.
Correction: It has two in both red and green. Still odd as all the others only have one in each station.
Also, I noticed that wifi channel 8154 has 4 connections, 3 in red station, and one in green. All other channels have one in each station.
Do you need it for the encryption key or the data being sent?