hyperdrive in star wars is pretty much minecraft nether highways (go to a dimension where measerment units are bigger then travel then go back to your home dimension)
@dylantyler in order to make a wormhole, you would need a ring of neutron star matter the size of the earths orbit with more than 1 septilian quadrillian googleplexian volts of energy spinning at the speed of light to even have a chance of maing a wormhole.
@Xephos not shure if it is possible
Don't these usually have their own engines so ships can dock to them and they get pulled along? +1
can someone please make me a gas powered engine that i can add different fuels to to make it go faster or slower? and the size should be like the size of a honda/stihl gene. THANKS!
Neutrons + Hyperspace_ring = 'splosion
i feel like ive seen this before
I am going to answer your question, OK? It is a hyperspace ring. It creates an interdimensional worm hole at least in theory. The high level of energy coming from the nuclear explosion and the electricity and the array to create enough energy to rip a hole into hyperspace.`