NOTE: Effects may vary each time you unpause. The virus may not infect the entire city at times, although I guarentee it will mostly.
ebola isnt a weapon.
we hear you
CoollllllOOOlllCCOOOOO!!!!!! yeah sure ebola doesnt do that though but cool explosive. and i know it doesnt do that because its a virus and We have it here in Africa, Zimbabwe :p
I just randomly thought up the name, due to there being a virus. By the way, I don't intend to insult anyone with ebola. lol
if you called it destructive bomb it would get more likes
its a good(destructive) bomb, but i'm not sure if i approve of the name...
Ebola: a type of virus which from animals prooced to humans its now wide spread in african grassland.
It also has nothing to do with ebola...
sure... it's good bomb but don't offense peoples who died and who are infected EBOLA virus..