Looks cool but it is'nt strong
a cool thing to do is to turn on velocity display then when it explodes it looks like a universal nebula or planetary
Honestly i only posted this so friends could see, i never expected 7k people to see this.
seriously though. well done xirongripx. it's a good bomb. but they're still boring.
heh XD nice
am i the only one who really doesn't ever use tpt to make things? :b c'mon guys. surely there are some others out there who apreciate the finer things. don't get me wrong, they're cool. but they're all the same. click see. done. been there, seen that. next!
am i the only one who really doesn't ever use tpt to make bombs? :b c'mon guys. surely there are some others out there who apreciate the finer things. don't get me wrong, they're cool. but they're all the same. click boom. done. been there, seen that. next!
Comment: View in 7!
No, you liar, this is very strong!
@Kikkin I was making random bombs and i thought this looked cool, i didn't steal it.
Watch in Velocity Mode (Press 1), looks very very pretty +1