108 / 11
20th Oct 2014
21st Jun 2015
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doppler supersonic sonicboom soundbarrier everyoneshutup press6or0 3press press2please mach cherenkov


  • zack123
    21st Oct 2014
    *cough* *cough* The scarf isn't cool, bro. Tell knuckles to stop taking testosterone...
  • GaelForceOne
    21st Oct 2014
    I think this is a cool save.
  • Schneumer
    21st Oct 2014
    This always happens. We might as well call TPT "Science Youtube", and this is the comment section :/
  • goodiesohhi
    21st Oct 2014
    I will side with sentinel-5. Photons don't have a full atomic mass... They have subatomic mass which completely obliterate the opposition's theories and theorums.. They may not carry mass like an atom but being able to accelerate and be influenced by gravity is also proofs of photon's massness
  • Atomic10
    21st Oct 2014
  • Danawan
    21st Oct 2014
    Well, i should not have reacted that way, but still you're manipuling notions that you can't even grasp a tiny bit. "E" from Einstein formula is not mere "energy". You have to put it in a peculiar context. Moreover, you are going between "classical physics" and relativist physics in your use of the word "energy", so i can tell, you don't even know what you're talking about. Btw E=mc2 essentially tells about the energy of a particule "at rest"
  • sentinal-5
    21st Oct 2014
    i rest my case.
  • sentinal-5
    21st Oct 2014
    look, th point of THEORISATION is that theories are THEORIES. they are not definitively true, no matter how widely believed. they can never be proven or disproven. everything is up fr debate if you have evidence to back your claims. if you have an idea, tell someone, it might be a good one. some things sound crazy. so crazy that they are probably total bullshine, like string theory. however, it's a beautiful theorum. so leave it be. it's just as likely to be true as every other theory.
  • Danawan
    21st Oct 2014
    @kamil2001studio Dude...Just...What the... Please... (Clue: I'm a graduate student. Wait, no, i just went to primary school ;) )
  • Ferne
    21st Oct 2014
    Well you can think so. Doesn't make it true. I do not claim that what is my opinion is absolutely true, for neither I have the knowledge of all humanity nor does any man know how does the universe work. Still, energy is not mass. Mass is energy, but it's only one of its forms.