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20th Oct 2014
21st Jun 2015
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doppler supersonic sonicboom soundbarrier everyoneshutup press6or0 3press press2please mach cherenkov


  • kamil2001studio
    21st Oct 2014
    more energy = more mass , energy have mass , kinetic energy too , that's why the faster something moves the more mass it has , it's unknown if energy needs mass to exist , photons are probably pure energy but they have mass becouse E=MC2 , mass can be created by energy or exixt by itself , energy allways create mass , that's what i think about our world , and i think some sciencists are even more stupid than me.
  • Ferne
    21st Oct 2014
    a photon is a particle which allows electromagnetic interaction. it carries the energy of electromagnetic waves
  • Ferne
    21st Oct 2014
    u w0t m8s
  • sentinal-5
    21st Oct 2014
    i said "for example" mass. that basically encompasses all forms of energy. mass is energy, heat is kineteic energy, kinetic energy is energy. electric charge is.. well.. in a convoluted way energy.. basically every form of energy besides mass, kinetic energy and electric charge (but even electric charge on any scale greater than subatomic) is not a true form of energy, but rather a combination of others.basically i said mass 'cause it's easier
  • tombattraw
    21st Oct 2014
    Very clever way of showing a sonic boom though. +1
  • tombattraw
    21st Oct 2014
    Energy doesn't need mass to manifest itself- in a nuclear reaction such as uranium decay (in real life), some mass is lost, converted straight to energy in the form of heat/gamma rays/other radiation. A photon is just the smallest possible packet of energy- period. All it is is the amount of energy it takes for an electron to rise from one energy state to the next.
  • sentinal-5
    21st Oct 2014
    oops. XD that came out wrong. i meant that enegry needs to (for lack of a better phrase) manifest itsself. if you were to release energy during, for example, nuclear fission; it will appear as heat in the form of infra-red radiation, i.e. photons. and i won't go any farther, but i will say, i hate wave theory. a wave is a theoretical analogy for a physical ocurrence. a wave is a 1d object which has been applied to 3d space. a vibrating particle moving fast would produce exactly the same effects.
  • sentinal-5
    21st Oct 2014
    allright.. but WITHOUGHT SAYING THE WORDS "pure" AND "energy" NEXT TO EACH OTHER, describe what a photon is, in terms of energy storage. energy can't exist by itsself, it needs a medium, such as mass, in order to exist. if there isn't oneand one cannot be made (which never happens), it will remain in its previous state. please don't say "i know you told me not to, but photons are pure energy". otherwise i'll be forced to scar this comments section with a 16-comment essay. :b
  • Mdkar
    21st Oct 2014
    I looked it up and photons don't have rest mass (mass of a particle at 0 speed) obiously because photons cant be brought to rest. Therefore, the idea of mass doesn't apply to photons.
  • Ferne
    21st Oct 2014
    It's not a sonic boom, it's an illustration of sound waves during one.