108 / 11
20th Oct 2014
21st Jun 2015
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doppler supersonic sonicboom soundbarrier everyoneshutup press6or0 3press press2please mach cherenkov


  • ifestos
    21st Oct 2014
    how is this a sonic boom?
  • Ferne
    21st Oct 2014
    What no the fact that they have momentum and kinetic energy doesn't imply they having mass. Also it's energy that is affected by gravity. Mass is just a very effective way to store energy. Also, photons can be created and destroyed.. Where does the mass go then? Does an object get more massive when recieving light and absorbing it? Nah, the entire photon energy goes into basically heating the object.
  • bimmo_devices
    21st Oct 2014
    Could we please hear from a physicist? This massive photon theory is freaking me out. Evidence against the massiveness of the photon is that it can GET to the speed of light. If it had mass, it would have inertia and inertia prohibits this. Am I right?
  • Sel2Mer
    21st Oct 2014
    Oh, and +1 :)
  • Mdkar
    21st Oct 2014
    Also +1
  • Mdkar
    21st Oct 2014
    Relax! Just a model. BTW photons do have mass, so they also have weight.
  • CTpyromaniac1337
    20th Oct 2014
    now try to do hypersonic, where there is a big delay between each boom.
  • sentinal-5
    20th Oct 2014
    oops XD typo, the real world says photons are NOT massless.
  • sentinal-5
    20th Oct 2014
    theory states that photons are massless. the real world says they are massless. einstein once said "All the evidence in the world cannot prove me right, But a single experiment can prove me wrong." the real world cannot be bent to suit our theories, they must be bent to suit the real world. photons have mass.
  • goodiesohhi
    20th Oct 2014
    @wang Your reply was "plz remove this save it is cool effect but misleading..... sonic boom is when sound goes speed of light which is over 10000000 miles per second, protons are not sound particles and they are probablh moving online 1 miles per hr." .... A "sonic boom" is when air breaks the "speed of sound" causing a wave of compressed air and open air which equalizes... There is no "sound particle". You should stop commenting on physics saves before people make fun of you more