108 / 11
20th Oct 2014
21st Jun 2015
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doppler supersonic sonicboom soundbarrier everyoneshutup press6or0 3press press2please mach cherenkov


  • sentinal-5
    20th Oct 2014
    aaactually.. current theory states it's impossible to move faster than light through the same medium. but, if you were racing a beam of light which was travelling through pure, solid glass and you were in a vaccum, yes, theory allows you to go faster.
  • Ferne
    20th Oct 2014
    In case someone's confused: Yes, you can move faster than light. You can't go faster than c, but c is just the speed of light in empty space. Light moves slightly slower in matter, so you can move inside this matter faster than the light itself.
  • Ferne
    20th Oct 2014
    Jesus this can happen to any wave in nature if only the speed of the source is not less than the speed of the wave itself.
  • BoomQuackCow
    20th Oct 2014
    wang, just stop commenting on other peoples saves, youre just embarasing yourself.
  • VendettaWaffles
    20th Oct 2014
    @UC17 I'm surprised anyone else on here understands Cherenkov Radiation. You, sir, are well knowledged.
  • UC17
    20th Oct 2014
    Photonic booms also work the same way, but this is a great demonstration oh how the sonic booms and photonic booms work, so +1
  • Kubinator
    20th Oct 2014
    Guys. This is what the sonic boom is about. The sound (protons in here) go radially around the object, but if you go the same speed as sound, they will overlap and become powerful, leading to accumulation and a "sonic boom".
  • Clockuser
    20th Oct 2014
    I almost died from reading wangs comment. WHAT. A sonic boom occurs when things going at the speed of sound trap the sound infront of them since they are going at its speed. This wave of sound is what we call the sonic boom.
  • micaluky
    20th Oct 2014
    imagine, the potons simbolizes the sound
  • pie3
    20th Oct 2014
    speed of light. lol. i believe it is the speed of sound.