This is a work in progress, it currently seperates liquids from solids, and water from paste, and it event turns the paste into brick. If i get 5 positive votes, i will update this. But if i get an overwhelming amount of negitive votes it will be gone.
I finished your logo, search "tyler8916".
Edit: There Were Too Many Problems With The Salt So I Have Removed It For Now.
Update: Now Seperates salt! Thanks for the 5 votes, i will add more at 8 votes!
green please
what color do you want your name to be?
i've posted on my creation questions for your logo.
I cud make u a logo 2 :D free of cost.
i would like a logo, but i need to think it out, i will leave a comment on one of your creations when ive thought of something.
I've created a logo for TheTempest if you want to see what I can do, search "thetempest" (one word, no spaces)
Do you want a logo? I can happily contrive one for you, but give a description or drawn outline.