8 / 0
18th Feb 2011
15th Aug 2011
This is a work in progress, it currently seperates liquids from solids, and water from paste, and it event turns the paste into brick. If i get 5 positive votes, i will update this. But if i get an overwhelming amount of negitive votes it will be gone.


  • tyler8916
    18th Feb 2011
    sorry for the double post, but i am reporting a fixed problem. i have added a one way wall made out of pipe to keep the lava away from the unmelted paste, unforcenatly some of the lava can turn into stoni
  • tyler8916
    18th Feb 2011
    ok, so i kinda lied, i added a water cooling device so that the steam isnt wasted. I am still trying to find a refining system at the moment however.
  • tyler8916
    18th Feb 2011
    im planning on it, i am currently exploring different techniques to refine and seperate different materials.
  • 22896mbw
    18th Feb 2011
    Interesting... You should refine this. I could help you if you want.