This actually works like a battery. Most "battery" saves I find are not true electrical storage but generators.
I'm pretty sure copyright laws apply to open-source games too. I doubt that you are allowed to copy this and show it to people as your own creation without permission. As the game is open-source, not the things made using it. But I don't know that much about laws.
why u not let me copy i need this for something ;-;
Good job i made some capacitors too.
i can copy if i want to you cant own a save
How to override nocopy rule: disable deco
That's what Sourec means. But the whole software is open-source. Then again, Sourec, there are open-source C++ compilers and people make copywrited softwere using it. This is the same sort of thing. It may be open source, but people can still make things using it.
nice! But please add fast charging! It would be a cool feature.
No, they just forbid people from copying that save and publishing it as their own. Like in the game Outside, which is mostly open source, but you do have to abide by the "copyright" rule.
*struck me as ODD, not open. Sorry.