Cheat Elements: VIRS, CRAY, DRAY, ACID, CAUS, Delete Tool (NO, REALLY?), CLNE, All LIFE, DEST, BOMB, SING, ATMR, PSTN, CONV, and anything (exept DEUT) with Life > 1000. I may have missed something. Tell me if I did.
id 2313324
I destroyed it with my Delete too*Looks at the Desc*Banned*
I did it with my Prot/Neut/Gravity/Plasma/Uranium-Napalm bomb. As you cantell by the way I described it, it does alot of stuff. I modified one of my bombs to conform to your rules (I decreased the life of the gbmb's), and it rips it apart. It leaves two massive holes on either sidde, as well as an eternal plasma cloud at the top.
I did penetrate the bunker/wall without using any materials you list in the description. It does take a couple of minutes because it is so counter-reactive to heat. Very impressive +1 Here's the ID:1857072
Removed the annihilated tags since nobody has beaten it. Yet.
Done. Thanks for commenting.
it is impossible to pierce unless you take out the floor of WALL
Give me an ID please so I can write your name somewhere.
Dayum son. Also, who tagged this with "annihalated". Nobody has peirced it yet. Pocket got the closest with the most damage.