Cheat Elements: VIRS, CRAY, DRAY, ACID, CAUS, Delete Tool (NO, REALLY?), CLNE, All LIFE, DEST, BOMB, SING, ATMR, PSTN, CONV, and anything (exept DEUT) with Life > 1000. I may have missed something. Tell me if I did.
Dayum son. Also, who tagged this with "annihalated". Nobody has peirced it yet. Pocket got the closest with the most damage.
The Emperor , 1769125.
Destroyed it with no bcln , didn't fully pierced , but the down floor where people are is in fire.
Beaten as much as possible. 1787552
Don't unpause it until your bomb is in place. If your bomb is so big that it doesn't fit, it would most lily max out the particle limit anyways. However, I will mover it lower.
kinda dumb how it's in the middle, should be on bottom to better fit bombs without all the smoke and flame cluttering the screen...
Sorry about those errors, and yes, BCLN is allowed, just not with life above 1000.
is bcln allowed?
The bit about nothing with a life of over 1000 will make any deut bomb useless.
Right after I post this, new stuff by big TPT people. Yay.