Rules; No warp, No cray, No dray, No sing, No antimatter and a limit of 4000 pixs of gravity bomb. Feel free to improve but give credit. Oh and no erasing... I have seen trolls win on technicalities.
And you have to use PROP tool, not console, to reach 2147483647
You can save 2147483647 tmp, but not life. Didn't you know that?
the highest usable is 2147483583 but u cant save that. its 65535.
its 65535
the highest saveable tmp is 2147483583 i think...
thx for telling me
wait its only 6003.....
thx but the highest saveable number is 65535 i think
!set tmp all 2147483583 should make it stronger
i will use yur bmb to test my bunkers