11th Jun 2015
16th Jun 2015
It's in the gas menu and it acts like a gas, so it is a gas, right? Or is it...
Grav only gets through with enough force though.
i hope someone who made tpt is gonna look at his bug
Found out*
I fou dout that by replacing the powder wall with basic wall, it blocks the CO2, fire, and smoke. >:D
And Grav can pass through aswell.
Cflame can't go past, but Lightning still can.
Also, on the whole fire and gas thing, fire is NOT plasma, plasma is ionized gas, fire is a term for the hot, energy-releasing GAS that is a byproduct of combustion reactions.
@msasterisk From a code perspective, it actually somewhat is...
CO2 has enough properties of a powder (falling and dispersion) for the powder wall to mistake it for a powder. IT'S THE WALL'S FAULT! :P
I think I have a logical explanation. since there are 7631 particals in the save the co2 must think that they are not being watched by as many particles as usual so they sneak there way to the other side of the wall thinking there so cool.