11th Jun 2015
16th Jun 2015
It's in the gas menu and it acts like a gas, so it is a gas, right? Or is it...
Now i hope your not all refering this to real life :D................right?
I understand the smoke goin through the wall, since it can contain soot, but CO2 is definitely a gas! MIND BLOWN.
It's just a commonality among the three particles; all three have a falldown set to 1. This is going to be fixed in the next version of TPT.
It's an exception in the powder walls, basically allowing all fire related particles to pass through unhindered.
CO2: I do what i wanna
*furiously powders*
type in the console: "tpt.el.co2.diffusion=0" and "tpt.el.co2.gravity=1", it will act like a powder
actually everyone is wrong because fire is not even a type of gas because fire is a plasma and maybe the co2 passing through powder only walls is something they didnt code in or a glitch
Okay guys, even if fire was plasma (which I'm really not certain of, it could go either way), plasma is closest to gas, meaning it should go through gas walls. Same goes for the actual PLSM element and CFLM too.