awesome in so many ways: 1:sanitation, complete with water treatment and waste disposal, 2.a nuclear reactor and... airstrip plus more! enjoy and comment as reqd. credits to 12me21 for the foundation, and to guillian for the nuke!
how to kill this thing: step 1: cluster sing nuke
go go gaget murder goku! proceeds to direct a whole proton bomb into a proton blast before melting the area around the bunker to superheated tempratures, even after all of that it still lasted at least 20~ seconds before the insulation burned and let in the stuff, still that bunker is so damn togh
bunker: gone :)
interesting i would like to know what did you do to the quartz becuse i have never seen quartz survive almost unscaved by a shaped anti matter neutron bomb
the quartz is QRTZ then CONV(QRTZ) then CONV(BMTL) then CONV(QRTZ) and CONV(BMTL)! WTF DID THIS MAN DO?
click erace once fast you will see conv
well actually it's not even good at doing that since the qrtz flashes
more like the duper bunker... since it dupes you into thinking it's fair
it not survived the bombs i placed in it and the bombs destroyed the emergency lockdown things i needed put diamond and insl around the emergency lockdown button and the nukes i placed are big
He is making the quartz into Pqrtz and back, therefore increasing strength