67 / 19
20th Jul 2015
4th Aug 2017
awesome in so many ways: 1:sanitation, complete with water treatment and waste disposal, 2.a nuclear reactor and... airstrip plus more! enjoy and comment as reqd. credits to 12me21 for the foundation, and to guillian for the nuke!
malfunction barracks reactor nuclear sanitation water airstrip airport shelter bunker


  • boomtish214
    24th Jul 2015
    thanks guillian, i put it in, hope you like it!
  • JengoFLeX
    23rd Jul 2015
    ID:1827986 made it threw with a scaled down bomb
  • jasiu2002
    23rd Jul 2015
    The elevator is too much of a weakpoint.
  • basti0104
    23rd Jul 2015
    it got destroyed by my bomb
  • jerrythebest
    23rd Jul 2015
    @Guillian, I do not think people use thick walls of insl, blocks of shld or magical clne/pump/void, either. Anyways, it took a while for me to get a compact realease mech working, but the neut version of my 4x7pixel prot nuke can still destory the bunker.
  • Adlam
    23rd Jul 2015
    I made a bomb but the only reason it makes it through is because of sing :P
  • Guillian
    23rd Jul 2015
    I got a very nice bomb and I would love if you used it, the bunker actually survives it! id:1827702
  • Guillian
    23rd Jul 2015
    @jerrythebest I dont think people use proton nukes in real life, try neutrons
  • Mangle118
    23rd Jul 2015
    it got rekt by thermite
  • jerrythebest
    23rd Jul 2015
    boomtish214, you are right. This bunker should be pitted against bombs that are of a realistic size relative to the bunker...... and I did. Wiping the smallest conventional proton nuke I have (4x7pixels), I easily destroyed the bunker. With another bomb that is a little bigger (11x11pixel), I can melt or burn every meltable/flamable pixel on the entire map. Keep in mind that these bombs are only conventional prot bombs, too.