*matrix theme in the background*
@poop7 What if I'm the robot?
Well, poop7, let me throw a question at you if I may. What, my good friend who I have probably never meet, is the meaning of this exsistence we are both apparently perceiving right now? Guess what, I don't think you exist. I don't think anyone who wrote any of these comments do. You are all just made up to fool me. Well, I play the fool no more. I have outsmarted the system. Ha! HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Whats that giant in air? Hindenburg?
I want lead in TPT just for zepplins.
So sad, Atomic. Zepplin Rules!
Zepplins, I've always had a facination with them. Now, i can look at some :D Also, this is great, good work. Keep it up!