A redo of my first one as that was quite buggy, [Planned features: output clear] Please report all bugs in comments. After use of the 1X, temps will not match, this does not appear to be an issue as they will cool to the same temp atm.
update: cleaned up wiring and painted the wring
update: added panel counter
update: added indicator lights to show the active amount selected as weel as auto cutoff if sand runs out
update: added some filt after aray beamns and adjusted some dlay times
update: edited description
update: adjusted cooling method and dlay timings
update: total rework of major electronics in save as well as other small things
@Skiruyoshi it maybe inifficant but i think its more realistic than the pscn method however if ur way works irl then im happy too change it
This is so cool I could chill beer with it
It's very good, but your cooling mething is very inefficient. sparking a pscn or nscn will always stay at around 30-40C, much better than water PS +1